的有关信息介绍如下:high-maintenanceadj.耗费精力的;费神费力的费钱费工夫的;难伺候的;高消费例句1.High maintenance frequency is not a bad thing would be more effective in protecting the performance of the vehicle.高维修频率不是一件坏事情将会更有效地保障车辆的性能。2.while technical standards is not open, leading to software management difficulties, hardware scalability and high maintenance costs later.技术标准不开放,导致软件管理困难,硬件扩展性不佳,后期维护成本高昂。3.My guess is that this Frankfurt program won't go too far, due to charging infrastructure limitations and high maintenance costs.我个人认为,受累于充电设施有限和高昂的维护成本,这个法兰克福计划不会走太远。4.However acquiring water from outside entails high maintenance costs for the supply system as well as an unsteady or inadequate water supply.但从校外取水,供应系统的保养费用巨大,且供水量亦可能不稳定或不足。5.Nor should a girl overaccessorise, as the reality star believes too much jewellery makes a woman look high-maintenance .女孩子也不要佩戴过多首饰,这位真人秀明星认为太珠光宝气的女人会让人觉得养不起。