




章子怡(1979年2月9日- )出生于中国北京,是一位有国际声誉的中国电影女演员。章子怡11岁进入北京舞蹈学院附中舞蹈科,其间主演了电影《星星点灯》。网上流传的章子怡在青少年时期拍摄的一些视频,崭露了她少年时代的才华。后来进入中央戏剧学院戏剧系,被张艺谋发掘,於1998年担任电影《我的父亲母亲》的女主角(招娣),此片获得2000年柏林电影节银熊奖。1999年,她又演出台湾导演李安执导的电影《卧虎藏龙》,担任女主角(玉娇龙)与周润发、杨紫琼、郎雄等港台资深影人共同演出,《卧虎藏龙》获得次年美国奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖。随着《尖峰时刻2》、《英雄》等电影在美国的成功,她的人气也迅速提高。2005年2月第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼邀请她为最佳视觉效果颁奖,使她成为继陈冲后又一位在奥斯卡奖上担任颁奖嘉宾的华人女星。之后,也名列美国时代杂志2005年全球前100大最有影响力名单中的「艺人与艺术家」项目。与巩俐、杨紫琼一起拍摄了斯皮尔伯格监制的《艺伎回忆录》,并因此片获金球奖最佳女主角提名。2009年,章子怡首任制片人,拍摄戏剧电影《非常完美》。章子怡与徐静蕾、周迅、赵薇等其他三位中国女演员并称四大花旦。[编辑] 作品[编辑] 电影作品1996年:《星星点灯》(又名《荧火》) 1998年:《我的父亲母亲》 1999年:《卧虎藏龙》 2000年:《尖峰时刻2》、《武士》 2001年:《英雄》《蜀山传》 2002年:《紫蝴蝶》 2003年:《2046》、《茉莉花开》、《十面埋伏》 2005年:《艺伎回忆录》、《狸御殿》 2006年:《夜宴》 2007年:《忍者神龟》(英文片名:TMNT,章子怡为其中的女忍者Karai配音) 2008年:《梅兰芳》 2009年:《魔鬼4骑士》(英译名:Horsemen),与丹尼斯·奎德合作 2009年:《非常完美》 2009年:《建国大业》(客串) 2009年:《沙漠战士》(即将开拍) [编辑] 春晚2008年 演唱《天女散花》 2001年 与郑伊健合唱《选择了你的爱》 2000年 领舞《枉凝眉》 湖南卫视第一届金鹰节(第18届金鹰奖) 2000年 演唱《把春天迎进来》 [编辑] 获奖与荣誉2000年,第二十三届大众电影百花奖:最佳女演员奖(《我的父亲母亲》)。 2001年,伊朗电影节:最佳女主角奖(《我的父亲母亲》)。 2001年,芝加哥影评人协会:最佳新人奖。 2001年3月,第十六届美国独立精神奖:最佳女配角(《卧虎藏龙》)。 2001年6月,第十届MTV电影奖:最佳打斗场面奖(《卧虎藏龙》酒馆打斗场面)。 2002年5月2日,美国旧金山政府确定此日为“章子怡日”。 2002年6月,获台湾《美丽佳人》杂志社颁发「最佳妇女儿童公益大使奖」。 2002年和2006年,英国《男人帮》(FHM)杂志全球民意调查中,被选为全球100名性感美女之一(分别为第100名和第86名)[1]。 2002年10月,2002MTV风尚颁奖典礼:风尚女演员。 2004年,第四届华语电影传媒大奖:最佳女主角(《紫蝴蝶》)。 2004年9月19日,第二十四届金鸡奖:最佳女主角奖(《茉莉花开》)。 2005年2月,第11届香港电影评论学会大奖:最佳女演员(《2046》)。 2005年3月,美国《人物》杂志评选为奥斯卡之夜最佳衣著奖。 2005年3月,第24届香港电影金像奖:最佳女主角(《2046》)。 2005年6月,获选加入美国电影艺术与科学学院(即“奥斯卡学院”),成为奥斯卡奖评委之一。 2005年8月,第十一届中国电影华表奖:优秀女演员奖(《十面埋伏》)。 2005年12月,中国(三亚)国际电视广告艺术金椰子周:「三亚市荣誉市民」及「国际公益广告功勋奖」。 2006年1月,凭借《艺伎回忆录》获得华人首次金球奖最佳女主角提名 2006年5月,获邀出任第59届法国戛纳电影节评委,成为戛纳史上最年轻评委 2006年11月,出任上海特奥会全球形象大使 2007年1月,美国最大的广告经纪公司JWT将三十位独立、自信、热情、勇于冒险的年轻女性命名为 Atalanta(希腊女神之一)。[2] 2007年2月,连续第二年当选美国AskMen.com“年度99位最迷人的女性”。 2007年2月,荣获美国智威汤逊广告公司(JWT)评选出的“捷足善走美女”(Atalanta)称号。 2007年4月,被日本版《花花公子》评为亚洲百大性感美女中的第一美人 2008年,获第11届上海电影节杰出贡献奖 2008年,获中国最具影响力慈善明星 2009年:获选世界经济论坛全球青年领袖 2009年:康城影展短片与基石单元评审 2009年:第二届电影铁象大赏最佳女配角《梅兰芳》 2009年:第十三届中国电影华表奖优秀女演员《梅兰芳》 [编辑] 个人生活[编辑] 情感章子怡在拍摄了电影《我的父亲母亲》之后,传出一些她和导演张艺谋的绯闻[3]。香港、台湾的媒体曾经有一段时间报道她和武打明星成龙的关系不同寻常,其原因是《尖峰时刻2》的拍摄中,在成龙庆祝生日的PARTY上,被拍到亲吻成龙面颊的照片。[4]很长一段时期,章子怡和香港富商霍英东的孙子霍启山出双入对。2007年1月,章子怡和41岁的新男友——以色列富翁阿维夫·尼沃在纽约观看一场NBA比赛时被拍到俩人间的亲密举止。之后他们又一起出席了在洛杉矶举办的奥斯卡颁奖仪式。阿维夫·尼沃是时代华纳公司的重要股东,也是威斯汀公司的投资者[5][6]。2009年初,章子怡与男友在海滩的私生活被记者偷拍。同年二月,章子怡屡屡传出与Vivi Nevo分手之说,当大多媒体认为这是为新电影上映前做的无聊炒作时,日前港媒从章子怡身边的一位知情人处获悉,两人分手事件并非炒作,而是属实,原本定下今年三月完婚却因婚前财产分配不均而导致最终分手。[编辑] 英语水平章子怡在2003年的一次采访中表示,她每天会收到越来越多的美国影迷的来信,所以开始努力学习英语。美国版的《英雄》DVD后面的附带的纪录片还有章子怡念英语的镜头。后来拍摄的《艺伎回忆录》中,章子怡所饰演的角色所有的对白均为英语。为了配好《艺伎回忆录》中艺伎,章子怡大量反复地听并且复述她从电视广告、音乐唱片中听到的英语。她那时还听过阿姆的歌曲,而这些歌曲意料之中地让章子怡变得非常难堪:“我不知道阿姆在说什么,所以我把听到的写下来,反反覆覆地复述歌词。但是后来我才知道那些歌词是多么的粗俗。”[来源请求]在美国播出的电视采访中,她可以和记者用英语交流,但词汇量显得不足。完成英文对白的《艺伎回忆录》后,她表示已对用第二语言演戏不再胆怯,2007年为新版忍者神龟《TMNT》中的女忍者角色Karai配音,并继续拍摄英文对白的《The horsemen》和《沙漠战士》。[编辑] 谣言在一些中文媒体上有2002年“章子怡入选《男人帮》杂志全球十大丑女之一”的新闻[7][8]。但在英文媒体中只能找到FHM2002年列出全球女人最丑的十个国家[9],包括阿富汗、英国、德国、美国、中国等。与此同时十个女人最美的国家是美国、瑞典等,其中有几个国家在两个表上都有名,如美国、英国、法国等,可见只是游戏之作。在英文媒体中并无“十大丑女”之说。[编辑] 孟小冬传在还未拍摄电影《梅兰芳》时,章子怡就有意筹划《孟小冬传》,而后收到陈凯歌导演的邀请而参演《梅兰芳》,但章子怡表示,孟小冬的一生是很丰富的,所以值得拍摄,但是近期内无法完成。自己近期的梦想是把孟小冬搬上大荧幕,而且希望与陈凯歌导演共同完成。Ziyi Zhang (Chinese: 章子怡, pinyin: Zhāng Zǐyí; Wade-Giles: Chang Tzu-yi; born February 9, 1979) is a Chinese film actress and singer. Zhang is coined by the media as one of the Four Young Dan actresses (四大花旦) in the Film Industry in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun.[1] With a string of Chinese and international hits to her name, she has worked with renowned directors such as Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark, Lou Ye, Seijun Suzuki, Feng Xiaogang and Rob Marshall.Early lifeZhang was born and raised in Beijing, China. She was the daughter of Zhang Yuanxiao, an economist, and Li Zhousheng, a kindergarten teacher.[2][3] Zhang joined the Beijing Dance Academy at the age of 11. When Zhang's parents suggested she attend the school, she was skeptical. While at this boarding school, she noticed how catty the other girls were while competing for status amongst the teachers. Zhang disliked the attitudes of peers and teachers, so much that, on one occasion, she ran away from the school.[3]In 1994, Zhang entered China's prestigious Central Academy of Drama (regarded as the top acting college in China) at the age of 15.[edit] CareerAt the age of 19, Zhang was offered her first role in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, which won the Silver Bear award in the 2000 Berlin Film Festival.Zhang further rose to fame due to her role as the headstrong Jen (Chinese version: Yu Jiao Long) in the phenomenally successful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for which she won several awards in the West, such as Chicago Film Critics Association Awards, Toronto Film Critics Association Awards and Independent Spirit Awards. Zhang's first appearance in an American movie was in Rush Hour 2, but because she didn't speak English at the time, Jackie Chan had to interpret everything the director said to her. In the movie, her character's name, "Hu Li," is translated from Mandarin Chinese to "Fox".Zhang then appeared in Hero, with her early mentor Zhang Yimou, which was a huge success in the English-speaking world and nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award. Her next film was the avant-garde drama Purple Butterfly by Lou Ye, which competed at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival. Zhang went back to the martial arts genre with House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏), which earned her a Best Actress nomination from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.In 2046, directed by Wong Kar-wai, starring many of the best-known Chinese actors and actresses, Zhang was the female lead and won the Hong Kong Film Critics' Best Actress Award and the Hong Kong Film Academy's Best Actress Award.Showing her whimsical musical tap-dancing side, Zhang starred in Princess Raccoon, directed by Japanese legend Seijun Suzuki, who was honored at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.In 2005, Zhang landed the lead role of Sayuri in the film adaptation of the international bestseller Memoirs of a Geisha. There was a slight controversy in Japan about a Chinese woman portraying a Japanese Geisha. For the film, she reunited with her 2046 co-star Gong Li and with her Crouching Tiger co-star Michelle Yeoh. For the role, Zhang received a 2006 Golden Globe Award nomination, a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and a BAFTA nomination.Zhang has also been known to sing, and was featured on the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack with her own musical rendition of the ancient Chinese poem, Jia Rén Qu (佳人曲, The Beauty Song). The song was also featured in two scenes in the film.On June 27, 2005, it was announced that Zhang had accepted an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards.[4]In May 2006, Zhang became the youngest member to sit on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. In the fall of 2006, Zhang played Empress Wan in The Banquet (Yè Yàn 夜宴), a film set in the Tang Dynasty.Zhang provided the voice of Karai in the TMNT movie that was released on March 23, 2007. She later starred in Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang) (2008) and appeared in The Horsemen (2009) with Dennis Quaid.Ziyi Zhang was recently announced that she wil be the main character in "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan". At the same time, she will also be the producer for this movie.[edit] AmbassadorshipZhang is the face of Maybelline, Garnier and Shangri-la Hotel and Resort Group. She is also a Global Ambassador for the Special Olympics and a spokesperson for "Save the Children," a foster-home program in China.[edit] Personal lifeSoon after Zhang's debut in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, rumors arose regarding a possible affair between the actress and the older director. Zhang Yimou was previously involved in an extramarital affair with actress Gong Li, whom he similarly debuted and with whom Zhang Ziyi was quickly compared. However, no relationship between the two has been confirmed.[5]Hong Kong and Taiwanese media have often pushed at ties between Zhang and co-star Jackie Chan.[6] This was fueled in part by photos that emerged of the pair during celebrations of Chan's birthday on the set of Rush Hour 2.Zhang for a while was publicly linked with Fok Kai-shan, grandson of Hong Kong business tycoon Henry Fok.In the July 2006 issue of Interview Magazine, Zhang Ziyi spoke of her movies' contents and being careful about the roles she takes on, especially in Hollywood.“ Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles--poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that. That's why I really appreciated Geisha, because it allowed us to show the world what kind of actors we are and what kind of characters we can play--not just action, kick-ass parts.[7] ” She stated in an early interview that if she had not become an actress, she would have liked to have been a kindergarten teacher, as she "...love[s] children!"In January 2007, Zhang was spotted holding hands and kissing her new boyfriend at a New York basketball game. The man was identified as Israeli multi-millionaire and venture capitalist, Vivi Nevo. The two were again seen together at an Oscar party in Los Angeles. Nevo, who has previously been tied to model Kate Moss, is a major shareholder in Time Warner and an early backer of The Weinstein Company with whom Zhang is purported to have a multi-film deal. Zhang Ziyi and Nevo are currently engaged.[8][9][edit] Other informationOf the characters making up her name, Zhāng (章) is her surname (not to be confused with the more common Zhāng 张 which is a homonym but written with a different character), Zǐ (子) means 'child' or 'esteemed person', and Yí (怡) means 'joy' or 'happiness'. She has appeared in English language films under the name Ziyi Zhang. In an interview, she stated that the name change was her publicist's idea of a way to appeal to Western audiences.