




致命诱惑 影评:  I never spoilers, well, the play it can't spoilers...... Jolie and Depp a little chemical reactions are no not really. In Smith, Jolie and Pitt of lightning that's all will shoot to full screen outside ah; At that time they look at each other's eyes feel they love; But Jolie and Depp like two routine as workers, after shooting is a shot of two, no passion in scattered. If I was in before the age of 15 to see this movie, I will deeply in love with jolie and worship as the queen as worship her. In the film her every set of clothing, each a piece of jewelry, each hair is so beautiful round of beautiful huan, the night in Venice on the balcony of with a golden hair, it was just like a fairy queen. Venice ah, my Venice. I've been in Venice in front of the train station sat on the steps of the middle of the night, look at the outside the river rippling light, just DORA the boatman like dragonfly as over the surface; Saint mark's square pigeons low flying, to let a person only narrow lanes through; Sell the small workshop, all kinds of mask personae under a light shining with eerie smile, the sigh of the night as if really sigh bridge. Here will say: although the director don't take sport-how could not how to shoot the scene audience to please Hollywood, but the image is clean, at least not live up to the beauty of Venice. Although Depp jolie and their faces of on the big screen while they are fresh, but they make a action scenes are no!!!!! All have no! At least in the Smith couples Jolie and Pitt in play or very good-looking right, in here... Is really have they dressed in a beautiful dress!  Bird, Jolie has been complaining about how to still don't take off, also not to take off. Of course, in the end she also didn't take off.  变形金刚三 评论:  总体:这是一部整体品质向第一集看齐,比第二集有长足进步的续集之作。这是一部故事并不是超级精妙,但其余的部分都能让人啧啧称赞的火爆大片。  故事:这一集的故事显然和第二集相比的话,有了长足的进步,个人觉得不会有太多人指责它的故事,指责它的剧本。但要说想有怎么样的内涵,怎么样发人深省的东西,那么请绕道,对不起,这是“变形金刚”。整体故事的品质和第一集差不多水平,不精妙也不烂差。开片以美国登月计划切入,虽然这种情节设置并不算新鲜,但为整体故事的发展做一个必要的前提铺垫。  导演:迈克尔贝的那种风格大家都懂,华丽的轰炸,华丽的爆破,华丽的轰鸣,这些毋庸置疑将出现。对迈克尔贝的要求,我们只有怎么做的火爆,怎么做的华丽,只要故事别是烂差,那么他就是成功的。  节奏和结构:一个半小时的剧情片加50分钟的终极大战。在前一个半小时里,主要以剧情为主,偶尔一些小打打。在这一个半小时里,故事只能说发展的一般,偶尔起点波澜,“凑活”是最好的总结词。但如果硬要对这一个半小时提出什么批评,难免有点苛刻之感。  角色和表演:  人类:  山姆。拉博夫演到现在,演技方面有了明显的进步,他的每一场戏可以说演的都不错,从个人角度,我对他没有挑剔的地方。新女主角,她以一种独特的方式性感登场,一登场你看的就不是她的脸,从头到尾,观众的视线只落在她的身材上,而不是演技上。她的演技被忽略,好不好无关痛痒,我们要的只是在这庄严肃穆的战斗中,有一个“倩影”足矣,这就是她的作用,她即便演的再好,也都是浮云。正如迈克尔贝说的:我不需要她多会演戏,她只要够性感,戳在那就行。西蒙,他再次出现在第三集,开始各种耍酷,也是一些笑点所在。美国大兵,他们依旧的斗志高昂,依旧的勇猛作战。山姆爸妈,这对话唠父母再次出现,之前传闻说他们不会出现在本集,事实证明这只是传闻。不过在本集中他们有所收敛,不再是2个傻啦吧唧的小丑。龙套,这里我要单独提一下龙套,美剧《超市特工》里的2个店员短暂的出现,让人不禁发笑,尤其是传说中的好莱坞“龙套帝”小胖也惊艳现身,不超过3秒钟,没有台词,只有一个动作一个眼神。。亚洲角色,我没能够记住他的名字,只知道他是《宿醉》里的黑帮亚洲人,他的表演依旧那么癫狂,也提供不少笑料,只是之前在预告片和各种宣传片中,完全不知道有他的存在。还有一些政府和军方的主要角色,我就不具体说了。  变形金刚们:  擎天柱、大黄蜂、威震天等角色都有了较为深刻的角色塑造,不是一出来就打打打,变变变。个别片段擎天柱的眼神处理,很好的展现了擎天柱的内心世界。大黄蜂的“演技”相信前两集大家也都见识了,无须多说。御天敌的角色塑造,我不过多评论,以免剧透。幻影、铁皮、震荡波、救护车、恐怖战队、还有一个汽车人的战队(具体名字忘了),这些角色只是粗略的描述,大致他们是为了打打打、变变变而存在的。  视效、特效、音效、场面:  必须承认的是,这4个方面正是这类电影的灵魂所在。血脉喷张,热血沸腾,目瞪口呆等等词汇就是用在这些地方的。特效,已经很好的诠释了当今世界现有的CG技术的巅峰水准,想挑刺是痴人说梦。各种变形,各种打斗都是无懈可击。视效,3D效果不唬人,实打实的“真3D”,向《阿凡达》看齐的效果。大量镜头一眼就知道是特意为3D效果而设计,并且设计的很巧妙,看惯大场面和视效的人,总能找到若干仍然会让你目瞪口呆的震惊画面。音效,还是我常用的2个字:震耳。细节处,主题曲的插入恰到好处,将“末日浩劫”感熏陶的非常到位。场面,心有多大,场面就有多大,迈克尔贝的心永远比观众想象的大,电影场面也永远比观众想象的大。如果说,这部电影的故事打不了高分,表演打不了高分,导演打不了高分,那么视效特效音效场面,给100分也还是嫌少。无可挑剔的效果,无可挑剔的场面,这也许才正是所有对这类电影感兴趣的人真正所在乎的,在这些面前,其他很多东西都成了浮云。对于粉丝而言,更无须多说,我们要的,迈克尔贝都给了,我们想到的,他给了,我们没想到的,他也给了。故事不会让人难忘,表演不会让人难忘,效果和场面则是八辈子都难忘。这部电影的特效绝对是史诗般的杰作!章鱼金刚卷大楼等桥段也必定将载入电影特效史册,难以超越。  值得一提的小细节:伊利牛奶,美特斯邦威,联想电脑,强势广告植入,即将完全出乎所有中国人的意料。大家届时仔细寻找。影片字幕出来半分钟后,有一段彩蛋,但无变形金刚。故事发展到最后,导演有想掐死故事的强烈意图,很难让人觉得有拍续集的可能,难道迈克尔贝不想别人来接手他的作品,他只想让变形金刚系列属于自己?在未来N年内静静等待答案吧!  不足:个人觉得,虽然一个半小时的剧情片加近一个小时终极大战,看着让人很HIGH,但是如果说分最后的终极大战的一点点打斗出来,散落在前一个半小时中,偶尔的小打斗,偶尔的血脉喷张,应该会更完美。故事、表演都属OK程度,如果能到NICE程度,自然是最好。  哈利波特与死亡圣器 影评:  "Deathly Hallows Part 1" is not my favourite of the Harry Potter series; I certainly did not enjoy it as much as the previous entry, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". The acting is as good as ever, well up to the normal standards of the series, but the character of Albus Dumbledore was sadly missed. (He died at the end of "Half-Blood Prince"). Whether played by Richard Harris or Michael Gambon, Dumbledore functioned as a source of wisdom and authority, the moral anchor of the series, and his absence from this film means that something feels lacking. The decision to film the novel in two parts does not seem to have come off, at least as far as Part 1 is concerned. Whereas all the earlier films ended with a satisfying resolution, this one comes to a rather abrupt close, leaving the plot hanging in mid-air. For all its length (nearly 2 1/2 hours), "Deathly Hallows Part 1" feels less like a film in its own right than an introduction to another film which will not be released for another few months. We can only hope that part 2 will be better.